The tourism sector in the face of Covid 19: Challenges and new pratices.

Version disponible : Français (Französisch)

For 20 years, the Hauts-de-France Region, the Voivodeship of Silesia and the Land of North Rhine Westphalia have carried out trilateral cooperation as part of a regional Weimar Triangle facilitating knowledge of the people involved and their regions.

In 2020, the three Regions are stepping up exchanges thanks to the digitalisation of meetings and projects.

Faced with Brexit, the economic and health crisis and the necessary ecological transitions, the regions must jointly meet the challenges that lie ahead.

To promote the emergence of solutions, a series of thematic webinars is being organised :

one Thursday a month, from 10.00am to 11.30pm, on an identified theme, with presentations by Polish, German and French experts.

Webinar no. 1

The tourism sector in the face of COVID 19 :
challenges and new practices.

Thursday 5 November, from 10.00am to 11.30pm

This webinar will discuss the consequences for the tourism sector in each of the regions, the solutions that have been implemented and new practices. that may have emerged.

Would you like to take part in this first webinar ? Click on this link

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